File a Trademark Application

1. Description of Your Trademark

My trademark is comprised only of letters or numbers or both
  Please type your trademark:
My trademark is comprised of stylized letters or numbers or contains a logo or graphic
  Please upload a .jpg of your trademark:
  Note: Do not use this form if your trademark is not one of the above (eg., a flavor, smell, or sound).
  In this case, please contact us.

2. Description of Your Goods and Services

  Please describe the goods or services or both that you use or intend to use with your mark:
  The U.S. Patent and Trademark Office (“PTO”) charges a $325 filing fee for each class of goods or services contained in your application. Upon filing, you must pay for at least one class; accordingly, you will be charged $325 upon submitting this form. If, upon reviewing your application, we determine that your description contains more than one class, do you want us to:
Contact you so that you can either pay for the additional classes upfront or delete goods or services to reduce the number of classes to one; or
File the application as you filled it out without designating any particular class and let the PTO determine whether the application should be filed in more than one class at which time you can determine if you want to pay for the additional classes or delete certain goods or services to avoid paying for any additional class(es).

If you need help understanding classes and deciding which box to check, please consult our description of trademark classes.

3. Type of Filing Service

Basic Filing $149 (plus the PTO filing fee of $325 described in Section 2 above).
 Includes the following services: preparing trademark application, filing trademark application, and notification of correspondence from the PTO.
Complete Filing $750 (plus the PTO filing fee of $325 described in Section 2 above)
  Includes the following services: preparing trademark application, filing trademark application, notification of correspondence from the PTO, interviews with the Examining Attorney if necessary, and responding to rejections issued by the PTO (known as “office actions”)
If you need help deciding what type of filing service to order, please consult our description of trademark filings.
Please note that the Basic Filing service and the Complete Filing service do not include appeals from final rejections, representation in opposition proceedings, maintaining the trademark registration, or representation in cancellation proceedings. These additional services are available at an additional cost.

4. Basis for Application

My trademark is not yet in use; I have a bona fide intent to use my trademark.
My trademark is in use.
Date the trademark was first used anywhere
Date the trademark was first used in interstate commerce

If you need help determining when you first used your mark in interstate commerce, please consult our description of interstate commerce.

If you are filing your trademark based on your use, you must provide the PTO with a “specimen,” which is a sample that shows how you are using your trademark, at the time of filing. If you are filing based on your intent to use your trademark, you do not have to provide a specimen at the time of filing, but you will have to provide the PTO with a specimen when you start using your trademark before the PTO will allow your trademark to register.

For goods, the specimen must show the mark as used on or in connection with the goods. Appropriate specimens include labels, tags, packaging, or the container for the goods that display the trademark.

For services, the specimen must show the mark as used in the sale or advertising of the services. Appropriate specimens include newspaper advertisements, magazine advertisements, brochures, pamphlets, and direct-mailings that display the trademark.

  Please upload the .jpg(s) of your specimen(s) for your trademark:

5. Applicant Information

  * Indicates required fields
The Applicant is an Individual
  First Name*
  Last Name*
  Individual’s Country*
  Individual’s Address 1*
  Individual’s Address 2
  Individual’s City*
  Individual’s State/Province*
  Individual’s Zip Code*
  Individual’s Phone*
  Individual’s Fax
  Individual’s Email*
  Individual’s Citizenship*
The Applicant is a Business
  Business Name*
  Type of Business Entity*
  State or Country of Formation*
  Business Country*
  Business Address 1*
  Business Address 2
  Business City*
  Business State/Province*
  Business Zip Code*
  Business Phone*
  Business Fax
  Business Email*
  Name and Title of individual who has authority to sign on behalf of the Business*

6. Contact Information

  * Indicates required fields
use information in section 5         
  First Name*
  Last Name*
  Address 1*
  Address 2
  Zip Code*

7. Retainer and Fee Agreement


(hereinafter “Client”) retains Owens Tarabichi LLP to prepare and file a trademark application with the United States Patent and Trademark Office (“PTO”) and, if the Complete Filing service is ordered, to respond to any office actions issued by the PTO. The fee for this service is as identified in Section 3 plus the $325 application fee charged by the PTO for filing in one class and any additional fees charged by the PTO for filing in additional classes as requested and paid for by the Client (hereinafter the “Fee”). Client agrees that the Fee is considered earned on receipt and will be placed into Owens Tarabichi’s business account, rather than a client trust account. Client understands and acknowledges that the Basic Filing service and the Complete Filing service do not include appeals from final rejections, representation in opposition proceedings, maintaining the trademark registration, or representation in cancellation proceedings. Client understands that this fee does not include any opinion about whether the trademark is registerable and that there are no guarantees that the PTO will find the trademark to be entitled to registration.

Owens Tarabichi LLP will correspond with Client at the email address provided in Section 6 or any subsequent email address provided by the Client to Owens Tarabichi LLP. It is Client’s responsibility to provide Owens Tarabichi LLP with any changes to the email address, and Owens Tarabichi LLP will not be responsible for identifying a forwarding address or forwarding any correspondence that cannot be delivered to the most recent email address provided by the Client.

By checking this box, I acknowledge that I have read and agree to the Retainer and Fee Agreement.

8. Acknowledgement of Terms & Conditions and Privacy Policy

I have read and agree to the Terms & Conditions
I have read and understand the Privacy Policy
  *Please review the information above for accuracy. Clicking on the Submit button will take you to the payment page, and after entering your payment information, you will not have the opportunity to make changes to the information you have provided on this page.