Order a Trademark Search

1. Description of Your Trademark

My trademark is comprised only of letters or numbers or both
  Please type your trademark:
My trademark is comprised of stylized letters or numbers or contains a logo or graphic
  Please upload a .jpg of your trademark:
  Note: Do not use this form if your trademark is not one of the above (eg., a flavor, smell, or sound).
  In this case, please contact us.

2. Description of Your Goods and Services

  Please describe the goods or services or both that you use or intend to use with your mark:

3. Type of Search

Comprehensive – $895
  Includes a search in of the following databases: Federal PTO, State, Common Law, Web and Domain Names, and Business Names.
Federal Knockout – $595
  Includes a search of the following databases: Federal PTO.
Both searches come with a short, written opinion of the search results. If you need help deciding what type of search to order, please consult our description of trademark searches.

4. Contact Information

  * Indicates required fields
  First Name*
  Last Name*
  Address 1*
  Address 2
  Zip Code*

5. Retainer and Fee Agreement


(hereinafter “Client”) retains Owens Tarabichi LLP to conduct a trademark search for Client’s proposed trademark. The fee for this service is as identified in Section 3 (hereinafter the “Fee”). Client agrees that the Fee is considered earned on receipt and will be placed into Owens Tarabichi’s business account, rather than a client trust account. Owens Tarabichi LLP will provide the search results to Client at the email address provided in Section 4 or any subsequent email address provided by the Client to Owens Tarabichi LLP. It is Client’s responsibility to provide Owens Tarabichi LLP with any changes to the email address, and Owens Tarabichi LLP will not be responsible for identifying a forwarding address or forwarding any correspondence that cannot be delivered to the most recent email address provided by the Client.

The ordered search is a significant, practical step toward locating references pertinent to Client’s proposed trademark, assessing the registerability of Client’s proposed trademark, and assessing whether a third party may object to Client’s use of the proposed mark. However, Client understands and acknowledges that no search can guarantee that all pertinent references will be identified. In this regard, Client also understands and acknowledges that the search results and our opinion do not guarantee that the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office will register Client’s specified trademark or that a third party will not assert a claim against Client based on Client’s use of the specified trademark.

By checking this box, I acknowledge that I have read and agree to the Retainer and Fee Agreement.

6. Acknowledgement of Terms & Conditions and Privacy Policy

I have read and agree to the Terms & Conditions
I have read and understand the Privacy Policy
  *Please review the information above for accuracy. Clicking on the Submit button will take you to the payment page, and after entering your payment information, you will not have the opportunity to make changes to the information you have provided on this page.