Improper Use of Trademark Registration Symbol | Trademark Services

We frequently come upon a company using the trademark registration symbol ® in connection with a trademark that is not yet registered with the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office (“PTO”).  Often, the company has filed a trademark application, believing that the mere filing of the application entitles it to use the registration symbol.  However, the […]

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New Trademark Examination Guide Regarding UnitarinessTrademark Services | Trademark Services

The U.S. Patent and Trademark just released a new Exam Guide entitled Additional Considerations for Determining Whether Wording in a Mark Comprises a Unitary Phrase or Slogan for Purposes of Disclaimer.  The new Exam Guide can be found at The Exam Guide supplements Section 1213.05 of the Trademark Manual of Examining Procedure (“TMEP”) and […]

The USPTO Enhances Its Electronic Trademark Assignment SystemTrademark Services | Trademark Services

Recently, the United States Patent and Trademark Office (“USPTO”) announced enhancements to its Electronic Trademark Assignment System (ETAS).  The enhancements include the following: Notices of receipt, recordation, and non-recordation will be sent by email when authorized The assignement documents can now be viewed on the USPTO’s website Entity type and citizen information for the receiving […]

Trademark Application Filing Date | Trademark Services

If you are not yet using your trademark and decide to file a trademark application, you will have to file the application based on your intent to use the trademark in interstate commerce. When you file your trademark, your effective filing date will be the date on which you filed the trademark application. However, if […]