Do I Need To Have A Trademark Attorney To File My Trademark Application?Trademark Services | Trademark Services
The U.S. Patent and Trademark Office (“USPTO”) does not require you to have a trademark attorney in order to file your trademark application. However, it is recommended that you have a trademark attorney. If you file your trademark application without the assistance of a trademark attorney, the USPTO will still require you to comply with […]
Designate the Correct Applicant in the Initial Trademark ApplicationTrademark Services | Trademark Services
A common mistake that unrepresented individuals and businesses make is designating the wrong applicant in a trademark application. An application to register a trademark must be filed in the name of the owner of the trademark. For applications that are based on use in commerce, this is the person or business that actually uses the […]
Trademark Application Filing Date | Trademark Services
If you are not yet using your trademark and decide to file a trademark application, you will have to file the application based on your intent to use the trademark in interstate commerce. When you file your trademark, your effective filing date will be the date on which you filed the trademark application. However, if […]
The Difference Between a TEAS and TEAS Plus Trademark ApplicationTrademark Services | Trademark Services
When filing a trademark application through the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office’s (“USPTO”) website, an applicant can choose to file a regular TEAS or a TEAS Plus application. The first difference is cost. A TEAS trademark application will cost you $325 per class of goods or services. A TEAS Plus trademark application will cost you […]
The USPTO Only Communicates With An Applicant’s AttorneyTrademark Services | Trademark Services
Trademark applicants sometimes ask to retain us as their attorneys for a trademark application and ask if they can remain the correspondent. Pursuant to 37 CFR Section 2.18(a)(7), they cannot remain the correspondent: Once the Office has recognized a practitioner qualified under §11.14 of this chapter as the representative of an applicant or registrant, the […]
Highlights of the Changes in the New TMEPTrademark Services | Trademark Services
Below are some of the highlights of changes from the new version of the Trademark Manual of Examining Procedure. PART I: EXAMINATION CERTIFICATION MARKS Regional Origin – TMEP 1306.02(a) The defined region in the certification statement should be limited to the place named in the mark if the named place is famous […]
How Long Does it Take to Get a Trademark? | Trademark Services
One of the most common questions asked is how long it takes to obtain a trademark registration. Of course, there are almost too many variables that can affect the length of the registration process. The time required can depend on the actions of the applicant (filing basis, waiting until the last day to respond to […]
Electronic Trademark Applications | Trademark Services
On July 27, 2011, the United States Patent and Trademark Office (“USPTO”) issued a notice regarding its electronic processing of trademark applications. The notice contained a few interesting statistics. For example, 98% of trademark applications are now filed electronically. And about 30% of the electronically filed applications using TEAS PLUS (i.e., using an identification of […]
Intent to Use Trademark Applications Require Additional Steps and Fees Later OnTrademark Services | Trademark Services
If you are not yet using your trademark in interstate commerce (i.e., across state lines), you will need to file your trademark application based on an intent to use your trademark in interstate commerce. However, you simply need to be aware that an intent-to-use trademark application will result in additional fees later on. The U.S. […]
Trademark Deadlines That Fall on a Saturday, Sunday, or Federal HolidayTrademark Services | Trademark Services
A common question that we receive from unrepresented trademark applicants relates to due dates that fall on weekends or holidays. When the day, or the last day, for taking any action or paying any fee in the United States Patent and Trademark Office (“USPTO”) falls on Saturday, Sunday, or a Federal holiday within the District […]