Application Serial Numbers of TrademarksTrademark Services | Trademark Services

Each trademark application filed with the United States Patent and Trademark Office (“USPTO”)  is assigned an eight-digit serial number comprised of a two-digit series code and six additional numbers assigned by order of filing within the series code.  To ensure that a communication is correctly routed within the USPTO, trademark applicants must include the entire […]

What Is A Special Form Trademark?Trademark Services | Trademark Services

In short, a special form trademark is any trademark that is not a standard character trademark.  A special form trademark typically has a design or logo, some particulary style of lttering, or color.  If you are electronically filing a special form trademark, you must submit your trademark in .jpg format and there should be little […]

What is a Standard Character Trademark?Trademark Services | Trademark Services

A standard character trademark is a trademark that consists solely of words, letters, or numbers.  It has no design, no stlization, all the ltters and words are in Latin characters, all numbers are in Roman or Arabic numerals, and only common punctuation is included.  You can see the standard character seet at  A standard character […]

Should I Check the Status of my Trademark Application? | Trademark Services

It is amazing how often people file to register a trademark with the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office and then never check the status of the application.  They figure that the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office will contact them if needed.  But what if there is a problem and correspondence is lost or the trademark […]

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What is trade dress? Trade dress generally refers to two aspects of a product:  (1) the total image of a product, which can include features such as a product’s size, shape, color, texture, and graphics and (2) the product’s packaging or labeling.  Trade dress can function as a trademark and, therefore, can receive similar protection […]